Media · Newsletters
2024: The Year in Review
VOLUME 26 | Reflecting on 2024, the 26.2 Foundation celebrates key achievements, from the International Marathon Center to global programs shaping the future of marathoning.
Team Inspire Expands its Reach to the TCS NYC Marathon!
VOLUME 25 | Team Inspire takes on the 2024 TCS New York City Marathon, fundraising for the 26.2 Foundation. Runners from across the U.S. and beyond unite for a great cause.
Boston Winners' Wreath Ceremony turns 40
VOLUME 24 | The olive wreath tradition represents the ideals for which the citizen-soldiers fought in Marathon over 2,500 years ago: freedom, individual dignity, and the power of democracy.
Celebrating 100 Boston Marathon Starts
VOLUME 23 | April 15th marks the 100th time that Boston Marathon runners have begun the 26.2-mile race in Hopkinton, MA.
A Look Back On Great Progress in 2023
The past 12 months have been pivotal for us, and I believe we’ll come to look back on 2023 as a genuine turning point in our journey towards a Marathon Center.
Read Our November 2023 Newsletter
VOLUME 22 | Read about the education programs planned for the new International Marathon Center, the Hiller 5k, and a recent presentation we made to the National Hellenic Society.
Measuring the Impact of an International Marathon Center
VOLUME 21 | Management guru Peter Drucker famously asked, ‘If you can’t measure it, how can you manage it?’ Agreed. But what if ‘it’ doesn’t quite yet exist?
Yes You Can! - Remembering Rick Hoyt
VOLUME 20 | We recently learned of the sudden passing of marathon legend and global icon, Rick Hoyt. It was difficult to accept, as we had just seen Rick and his brother Russ speak to the students at the Marathon School in Hopkinton, MA a few days earlier. In true Hoyt fashion, their presentation was nothing short of inspirational.
Saving the Boston Marathon
VOLUME 19 | “A toxic combination of greed, neglect, and an arrogant opposition to prize money,” is how Boston Globe reporter Brian MacQuarrie describes the atmosphere around the race in the early 1980s – and then explains how it was saved by miracles (‘The Forgotten Story of How the Boston Marathon Almost Collapsed’, Globe Magazine, 4/12/23). As the race director in 1983 and 1984, the 26.2 Foundation’s Tim Kilduff had a front-row seat. We asked him, what would he add to the story?
Commonality and Competition
VOLUME 18 | This coming April 17th marks not only Patriot’s Day and so, the 127th running of the Boston Marathon, but also 100 years since the epic race’s start in….Ashland.
Bibs for Boston Marathon Available
VOLUME 17 | The 26.2 Foundation has a limited number of invitational entries available to runners with their sights set on the 127th Boston Marathon, scheduled for April 17, 2023.
Welcome to Boston, Team Inspire!
VOLUME 16 | Runners from seven countries will make up the 26.2 Foundation’s Team Inspire this year at the 126th running of the Boston Marathon on April 18th.
Marlyssa's Story: Running 'Happy'
VOLUME 15 | We hear some compelling stories from our Team Inspire marathoners about why they run. This may be our favorite. It comes courtesy of Marlyssa Ittes of Gilbert, AZ.
International Marathon Center Will Call Hopkinton Home
VOLUME 14 | The construction of an International Marathon Center took a major step forward this week when the town of Hopkinton, MA announced that it had signed a 99-year lease with the 26.2 Foundation, granting the Foundation a 19-acre site on East Main Street for the IMC's development. The site is located on the Boston Marathon route, less than two-thirds of a mile from the Marathon starting line.
Running into History
VOLUME 13 | First proposed by black educators and students at Kent State University in 1969 and officially recognized by President Gerald Ford in 1976, Black History Month celebrates vital achievements in the face of adversity. The annual tribute has taken exceptional men and women ‘…from mortal to hero to idol’, as The New York Times said in ‘Everyday Excellence’, but then asked, what of the many exceptional others whose stories are less well known?
Happy New Year!
VOLUME 12 | What a difference a year makes. These trying times continue, lasting far longer than any of us expected and redefining how we interact with one another – or don’t. So, once again, a heartfelt wish: I sincerely hope this finds you and your family safe and healthy.
Taking it to the Streets
VOLUME 11 | We like to say, ‘There’s more to a marathon than running 26.2 miles’ – desire, dedication, commitment, passion, resilience... Our Team Inspire runners proved that when nearly two-thirds of them – 38 – signed up to participate in the B.A.A.’s Boston Marathon Virtual Experience, held September 5-14, 2020.
A Race with a Wide Reach
VOLUME 10 | The Boston Marathon is rather more than simply a 26.2-mile road race. Its inspiration and origins, in 1896, date back to the first modern Olympic Games…
See You in September
VOLUME 9 | No doubt you’ve heard about the decision to postpone the 124th Boston Marathon to Monday, September 14th. While we fully appreciate the inconvenience this has caused everyone, especially for those traveling from afar, I wanted to take a minute to tell you why we’re happy about this.
Meet More of our Marathon Team!
VOLUME 8 | "I’m running for Team Inspire in support of the amazing 26.2 Foundation, and adore everything they are about. But the main inspiration is my mom, the strongest lady I know. Training for Boston began, in solidarity, the same day she started her treatments for brain cancer…”